After the expiry of fifty days were given fifty days to act soon after its formation, the notorious hacker group Lulzsec, author of the attacks, among others, in Bethesda, Nintendo, Codemasters, Epic, Square Enix, Eve Online, Minecraft, League of Legends and The Escapist, has announced his retirement from the stage world.
In the statement, posted on his official website, Lulzsec said Antisec continue to support the movement and all its supporters should do the same. He also said that its purpose as an entity is over and that its members hope that their deeds have had an impact, even microscopic, on someone.
In the statement, posted on his official website, Lulzsec said Antisec continue to support the movement and all its supporters should do the same. He also said that its purpose as an entity is over and that its members hope that their deeds have had an impact, even microscopic, on someone.