Monday, April 11, 2011

Ubisoft wants the next-gen

According to the CEO of Ubisoft, Yves Guillemot, to MCV, the publisher of ostracism against new IP is undermining the creative industry. The solution? The console next-gen. "If you look at the history of the industry, we realize that there are times when it is easier to introduce a new IP, while other times it's more complicated," said Guillemot.

"In this moment of the life cycle of the current console is still possible to launch a new IP, but with the next-generation platforms people will be more willing to try new IP. You progress through the cycle are the most successful brand to cannibalize sales ". With 3DS stores, NGP at the gates and "platforms" Move and Kinect, the industry has not been revived? "Accessories and portable consoles are very good things, but I think the industry needs innovations in technology.

Are more powerful processors, GPUs have been going on, and there are several technical solutions that would enable us to offer interesting experiences and allow the industry to grow. " According to Guillemot, the decision of the hardware manufacturers to extend the life cycle of the current generation is "one of the causes of depression of the industry.

Consumers like these formats, but at the end of their creativity is lacking."

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