Saturday, March 12, 2011

Shadow Complex 2 is almost a certainty for Chair

Rather than "if", "when" The creative director at Chair Entertainment, Donald Mustard said that creation of a sequel to Shadow Complex is practically out of the question. "More Complex Shadow is not a question of if, but when," Mustard said to Eurogamer. net, "is our baby and we love it and clearly we are working on some fantastic things." There are no precise details but its state of development or potential release dates.

Given the success of Infinity Blade someone could suggest a possible implementation on IOS, but Mustard does not seem very convinced of it: "Shadow Complex is planned for the controller, not a big fan of the fact of carrying a force on the control console touch screen ". However, "if some readers have great ideas about new control schemes, I can say." Source: Eurogamer.


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