Saturday, April 23, 2011

Sony admits PSN offline in response to external attacks

Safety maneuvers in response to intrusion Finally comes the admission by Sony: the repeated and prolonged problems that have struck in recent days the PlayStation Network are in fact due to attacks by hackers, or intruders. " Patrick Seybold of SCEA said the official PlayStation blog that it was the same Sony to decide to put the service offline after the intrusion took place during the week, "an intrusion on our external systems and services has plagued the PlayStation Network Qriocity," he Seybold said.

"To carry out thorough investigation and ensure that operations are functioning and safe on our network, we turned off PSN and Qriocity the evening of Wednesday, April 20." Obviously, SCEA announced that we will release updates on the situation as soon as possible, hoping for a return of the online service in the coming hours.

It is, in fact, of the first events on the notice states the NDP in recent days, since it was not previously specified that the decommissioning of the servers had been a choice by Sony as a result of the intrusion. The hacker group Anonymous has declared "war" to the Japanese manufacturer as a result of legal actions against Sony and other GeoHot and in particular the enforcement actions taken by the producer to the video released on YouTube and the like, resulting in Anonymous data collection considered to be insulting towards privacy.

The question of intrusion on PSN could be quite tricky as the online platform has 75 million users around the world and contains personal or sensitive data such as credit card holders PlayStation 3. Source: PlayStation Blog

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