Tuesday, August 23, 2011

New PlayStation Home this fall

A new virtual locations will be added amusement park: this is the news that PlayStation Home will be implemented starting next fall, with a view to a renewal that Sony is doing for some time in order to populate the virtual place dedicated to all PlayStation 3 owners. To enter the new Home Hub will be accessed through a kind of virtual shops full of futuristic airport, from which we can move to the various destinations, which are games and social applications.

The general atmosphere is that of an MMO, complete with a "quest" to complete, and in fact the goal, Sony will be to provide its users with always something new to do. Hub you can then move into new "neighborhoods" of the virtual world of PlayStation 3: Action District, dedicated gamers and FPS action games, Adventure District, for fans of Tomb Raider and Uncharted; Sportswalk, designed for fans simulations of the sport, and Pier Park, a little 'proud of the casual gamer.

The minigames in these neighborhoods will be simple but fun, and you can view the performance from the hub, and be advised of any event in progress.

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