Sunday, February 13, 2011

Dead Space Contest 2 - Results

Dear Videogame Sources, now is the moment of truth: in a few lines will reveal the names of three winners of the Dead Space2! Who will be the lucky user to have won the Limited Edition? And to whom, however, will be touched and the standard edition action figures? During the last week we've swamped with email, a number which, we admit, has far exceeded our expectations.

With your creations you have shown once again that not only have great imagination, but also a sympathy out of the ordinary, wonderful and giving us a sea of laughter that made our job a little 'more pleasant than usual. In light of this it would be nice to be able to reward everyone, but unfortunately we are forced to choose ...

Precisely for this reason, before proceeding to the "award ceremony," We want to reward the commitment shown by many of you, honored with a gallery in which are contained all the best creations that we had the pleasure of viewing. After this necessary introduction, here we finally reached the moment of rewarding the creations that we considered to be the best: Congratulations to you! In the next hours will be contacted by me to provide your personal information so that the material will be shipped as soon as possible.

Do you think it over? Not at all! If you are among those who are unfortunately not able to conquer the podium on this particular occasion, do not despair, because right now we give you the opportunity to rifarvi! Yes, you read right: Videogame Source. part because it immediately with another contest, this time dedicated to Magicka, fascinating action-RPG that our good Roberto Bertoni has spoken just a few days ago.

In short, if you want to get back into the game you just need to click the link below and cross your fingers. All for now dear Videogame Sources. Thanks again for your continued support, we can only make you a big good luck for the next contest!

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