Saturday, April 16, 2011

Sales of the Nintendo 3DS not worry

According to statements from Reggie Fils-Aime, avoid sold-out it was a calculated move Reggie Fils-Aime, Nintendo of America president, said that the abundant stocks of Nintendo 3DS (and the consequent failure to sold-out) are part a clear strategy, a lesson learned in the past. Typically the launch of a new platform play is accompanied by episodes of unavailability of the same, but it was different for 3DS.

Excluding the first few days, in fact, many U.S. retailers (including GameStop, Target and Best Buy) said they still have a large amount of consoles available. According to Fils-Aime this situation would not be random, but planned. Speaking to USA Today, the president of NoA said that this time the company has made sure to supply plenty of dealers to avoid sold-out.

"I would say that this is a launch that is the result of lessons learned in the past, particularly the Wii. We did so not only have plenty of units on the market, but also to avoid ending stocks," he said. "We have stocked the stores directly, but also distributors, thereby enabling rapid refueling.

And 'why do not you see the Nintendo 3DS continually sold-out, including whether to sell 400 thousand units in one week was an exceptional result. And the fact of being able to get it despite the abundance of available units is a matter of great satisfaction for us. "Source: GameSpot

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