Tuesday, May 24, 2011

New info on White Knight Chronicles II

In an interview with the PlayStation Blog, the game director of White Knight Chronicles II, Yoshiaki Kusuda, talked about the history of the exclusive PlayStation 3 and the future of the series. "The events of the game takes place one year after the events of the first White Knight Chronicles," Kusuda said.

"A year after the return of the Empire Yshreniano, Leonard and his friends get together to protect the Kingdom of Balandor, Archduke of Faria and the Free City of the Empire Yshreniano Greed, and find themselves having to save the world" . Two new characters will have a key role in the story: "Miu, the daughter of the Archduke Dalam, and the mysterious Scardigno.

Nell'Arciducato Faria of unrest, a faction committed to protecting Miu and another militant faction that seeks to unleash a revolution. Scardigna belongs to the first side but you'll have to play the game itself to fully understand its role in history. " "White Knight Chronicles II will give a satisfactory conclusion to the conflict between Yshrenia and other powers, and the personal stories of Grazel, Leonard and Princess Cisna.

In terms of gameplay, Kusuda talks about improvements in the "pace of the game as the best response times in the battles and the ability to recharge your energy level while performing a special move, which allows you to go to the next move faster. However, this simply would turn the game into a schiacciabottoni headless, so we also added in situations where the player must attack your opponent at the right time.

This adds an element of strategy and moderately increased the difficulty of battles. "And what about the future of the series?" White Knight Chronicles II concludes the story begun in the first game, so for the moment we have no plans for further games in the series . However, produce additional missions under the form of downloadable content.

And you never know. If there were a great demand for another sequel ...". The Blu-ray will also include the original game White Knight Chronicles.

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