Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Bulletstorm and to thank Fox News

EA thanked for the Fox News special entitled "Bulletstorm: the worst game in the world?" published some time ago. "We love Fox News," he told IndustryGamers the boss of EA Games, Frank Gibeau. "When you built a new IP and you're trying to capture consumers' attention, the messages that they receive are many and conflicting.

And a controversy is not necessarily a bad thing. Indeed, I personally think that we should go after this type of controversy. " The important thing, according to Gibeau, is that "the creative integrity of the game is respected." What apparently has already happened with several games published by EA.

"I loved the piece on Fox News and lesbian sex with aliens in Mass Effect, I loved their cover on the case of the Taliban (in Medal of Honor), I loved what they said Bulletstorm. In any case, things have been said accurate of these games. " "I know that is their point of view is different from ours and that they represent the view of a consumer who does not think like us." "In terms of Fox's editorial reflects the views of many consumers who are not necessarily interested in Bulletstorm.

I understand their attitude. We have aggressively defended our work and we are proud of what we did." In the U.S., Bulletstorm has sold 300,000 copies in its debut week.

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