Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The English children are softening

Why do not engage in more sports and not play outside A statistical study of British Triathlon and Tata Steel, which has been compared to some wretched games indicated as the primary cause of the result, outlined a gloomy picture of British children, that to the seems no longer play outside the home.

Of the 1,500 children and adolescents aged between six and fifteen years surveyed, 10% do not know cycling and 15% do not know how to swim. We see other numbers: - 22% did not ever run the 400 meters - 15% had never practiced the sport with his parents - 33% have a bicycle - 77% own a game console - 68% own a cell phone as usual, one wonders if the blame for the debauchery of the children is to be charged to parents, rather than to forms of entertainment consumed, parents away from the lives of children to devote less time to manicure, comforted by keeping them safe at home in front a screen.

Unfortunately teach cycling takes time and effort. Source: Kotaku

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