Thursday, December 23, 2010

Continuing the legal battle on Fallout Online

It has not solved anything that was thought, with the first round went to Interplay, the legal battle with the new Bethesda Fallout Online in production had gone to subside, but it is not. The Vault, a site entirely dedicated to the Fallout series, has recently received the court documents on the issue, showing that the clash is still alive in regard to the use of IP dispute between Bethesda and Interplay.

In fact, it would have been granted to another publisher to use the trademark Fallout but not everything that is connected to it, as a world reference arms are typical or characteristic features such as "pip-boy." This, of course, actually block the production of a video game that can be defined related to the Fallout series, as the MMO in the works at Interplay.

So, the battle promises to be still long.

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