Saturday, May 14, 2011

Adobe Flash Player 10.3, download update

Adobe updates its most popular creation that Flash Player, now at version 10.3, the news are not few, and this article will provide more details for the download and the improvements brought by the new version. Adobe has announced that the updates will be available in the same way for Windows-based platforms, Mac OS, Linux, and Android, so there will be delays and favoritism, which will enable all users, or nearly to adapt their requirements to the demands of the sites using this technology, YouTube, the most likely to have problems in the coming days to see properly to MySpace or any site simply and Flash-based banner.

After the regrettable incidents that have hit the first Sony, Facebook, and even then, attention, as would be expected to happen, has been focused on privacy, this might imply that the manufacturer does not feel particularly safe with the management and security Our data in some areas, opening a range of possible sites hacked hard to imagine the size.

Not only social networks at risk on privacy, even the commonest sites created by ourselves, or free blogs around the web that are multiplying exponentially, are prone to breach by hackers. The update deals with the removal of cookies, thanks to the application API Clears, designed by Google and Mozilla for easy removal of these data that could compromise our security, the novelty lies in even more ease of removal of these lines of information , whether they come from, this time, from sites that leverage the Flash platform, that of any other kind, offering protection in this area at 360 degrees, or nearly so, with the hope to be more reassured about safeguarding our personal data , in possession of the sites to which we entrust them.

Finally arrives for the Mac can be notified whenever a new version of the software, so you always stay updated on the progress made by the manufacturer. Another small change concerns the table of the configuration is updated for this new Adobe Flash Player 10.3, allowing easy setup and clear the settings in the various sites.

Surprise to all owners of Android is the introduction of software version 3.1 Honeycomb, this will allow for greater compatibility while surfing from smartphones and Tablet PCs eventually. One new technique is the elimination of the echo signal when viewing movies, small in relation to full-screen display in a special way, which once again had to go on a rampage users, the inability of the house to solve this and other small bug that finally give way to a competition version and that puts a slice of users agree huge.

The hope for the future is that these updates are kept from the house, still in development to solve the small problems that still persist in certain situations, showing the stress of software capabilities at high speeds. The development will be a milestone, more than ever this year because 2012 was announced as the year of three-dimensional, and Adobe in this respect will practically start over and roll up their sleeves in many respects, as the display mode 3D requires a management obviously more complex than movies and slide shows of photos, to make some simple examples.

For the moment let's enjoy the new Adobe Flash Player 10.3 and its updates, making the most of the package regalatoci by the children of the manufacturer, who have come to this result after many days of study, to meet our demands.

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