Monday, May 30, 2011

Multiplayer? "A matter of survival"

According to Denis Dyack, Silicon Knights boss, the growing fashion for multiplayer, also introduced in series that start out as single player experiences, is largely a response to the market. "Why are all heading towards the multiplayer?" Dyack said in an interview published on IndustryGamers. "The problem is economic, they are forced to do so because of the turnover of Charity, is not that suddenly the developers working for years on single player you are in love with the multi.

This is survival." Cloud computing and digital distribution services directly aimed at the consumer could help an industry that, according to Dyack is increasingly difficult, so that even those who currently benefit from the used market may be in future in front of negative consequences.

"There are companies that are registering record profits thanks to the use, while developers and publishers have to lay off staff. This is a huge problem for the industry. They will change because this model threatens our survival. And to be clear, cloud computing and other news do not need to make more money for publishers, but to enable them to survive.


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