Saturday, February 5, 2011

The Japanese version of Homefront does not contain Kim Jong-il

There can be no direct references to North Korean leader Spike is getting some experience in the transportation of Western games, especially shooters, on the Japanese market, a trend already under way with Metro 2033, Red Faction: Guerrilla and confirmed by Homefront. The latter will however need a few more maneuvers to adjust to be acceptable within the Nipponese regulations on the marketing of the games.

One of the most obvious is the elimination of direct references to Kim Jong-il, who appears in the game in some movies and real images. In particular, in a questionable fact, developers have included the death of Kim Jong-il in the video presentation with a lot of foreground image of North Korean leader, which should be eliminated for the Japanese market.

The name of Kim Jong-il and the images are then on he removed to Japan, replaced by vague references as a "north country" and a "leader of the North". We can only imagine the interpretation which would be out of a distribution under these conditions in the Italian market. Source: Joystiq

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