Friday, May 6, 2011

The Xbox 360 version of LA Noire is on three discs

25 GB of game Kotaku reports that LA Noire will be a game quite substantial, even in terms of quantity of data. The new investigation in the open world action game from Rockstar will cover an area of 25 GB and will occupy as many as 3 in the DVD version of Xbox 360, while the PlayStation 3 will stay quite comfortably in a Blu-ray.

"LA Noire has always been a gigantic multiplayer game from the start, the size of the game world to the length and number of cases and, of course, the large amount of data managed in the system MotionScan to save the faces of 400 players," said Jeronimo Barrera Team Bondi to Kotaku. In any event, there will be no major problems with the exchange of records: even though the game is set in a sandbox style, the cases have marked their progress closely, so the change is hard, only two specific moments in history.

Source: Kotaku

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