Monday, June 13, 2011

U Wii on par with PS3 and Xbox 360, according to Carmack

Before E3, the Nintendo was presented at the studios of ZeniMax and Bethesda in an interview with GameSpot, John Carmack has admitted that he had the chance to see U Wii before the conference held by Nintendo at E3 2011, for accuracy in a presentation held at ZeniMax / Bethesda. The legendary programmer decided to skip the event to finalize work on RAGE, but still feels he can say that the new platform is placed on a par with the current HD consoles.

"The level of technology U Wii puts it on par with other consoles, which is good for us," she said. In the same interview, Carmack revealed that, although it was not possible to run the id Tech 5 on the Wii, your team could bring RAGE on the Nintendo using the same RAGE technology: Mutant Bash TV view of IOS.

Anyway, has not really done anything. "The Wii was not included in our plans, the rest of the id Tech 5 could not turn away in any way. However, we have seriously discussed the possibility of using technology iOS of Rage to make a project like this on Nintendo. It would have been perfectly feasible from a technical standpoint, and I think we achieved a respectable result, but in the end we decided it was not the right time to enter the Wii market.

With U Wii, however, we will have to do with a platform perfectly in line with our technology. I'm sure we'll try to work on it, even if we must see exactly how to involve people with multi-platform titles, which will decide on which console to play it.

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