Saturday, January 22, 2011

Duke Nukem Forever: the release date!

I have the honor to announce an event we have waited for years. No, I'm not talking about a race of genetically altered women who loves nerd but ... the release date of Duke Nukem Forever! The world's most anticipated FPS will be released worldwide on May 6. American players, however, will be so lucky that we could play as early as May 3.

The confirmation came directly from the output of Gearbox boss Randy Pitchford, and the President of 2K, Christoph Hartmann, on the pages of the magazine Game Informer. You can not say that the developers have done things in a hurry: Ten years ago, our British colleagues to put Videogame Source DNF among the most wanted games of 2000.

In 2006, its endless development time had already become a blockbuster video game industry, so we joked that 3D Realms on Duke Nukem Forever will come out saying that when pigs fly. "In subsequent years, short videos and screenshots have held sporadic alight the feeble flame of hope until September 2010 when Gearbox, Borderlands already developer, came forward to save from oblivion Duke Nukem Forever, where we all thought would be gone forever.

Why 3D Realms has put us so long to finish the game? "I wish there was a simple answer to this question and perhaps dramatic, but it is not so," said a designer in November. "Put simply was not ready and we have never met a lot of development problems along the way. There was some excess of zeal, or, as written on some websites, looking for an absurd extreme perfection."

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