Saturday, January 22, 2011

Possible DLC for Duke Nukem Forever?

Yesterday Gearbox has finally announced the date of what we might call, without any fear of contradiction, the most anticipated FPS of all time, but even though they lack a few more months to the release of Duke Nukem Forever, have already begun to move the first rumors about what might be the post-launch DLC.

"We have not announced anything about it," said Randy Pitchford, CEO of Gearbox, speaking of our network. "I want to be honest. At the moment we are focused exclusively on making this possible is that for years seemed impossible: to get Duke Nukem Forever in stores." Beyond this, however, Pitchford has hinted that there are real opportunities to see the DLC in the period after launch.

"As soon as we get closer to release we stop focusing only on the present and start thinking a bit 'in perspective," he said. "At that point I, like other members of the team, then we'll discuss it with our fans in the forum of www. Gearboxity. Com. At least for now, then, Gearbox does not seem to want to think about issues that go beyond the mere distribution of the product (a bit 'of luck, perhaps?) And we, for our part, we certainly can not blame them.

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