Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Twisted Pixel Announces The Gunstringer

The guys at Twisted Pixel, known to the public for making 'Splosion Man, have announced that they are working on a new project, provided the exclusive Kinect: The Gunstringer (which for non-Anglophiles could translate as "The Puppet Master") According to statements by the lead designer Dean Teasdale appeared on the official website the game will put us in a position of having to move the puppet of a cowboy zombies on stage as if we were puppeteers intent on making a real representation.

"Through a series of themed performances, driving through the puppet a setting of clear western mold in an adventure full of great action, dramatic moments and love." Unlike most of the products produced to date for Kinect, The Gunstringer will be directed more to the core and casual gamers to the market this just in front of his "impure nature" which makes it a cross between a TPS and a platform 2D.

"There will be mini-games, photos, end-level and above must not be sleeveless," said Teasdale. "You can play comfortably seated, without any kind of physical exertion." "And more importantly, you can aim and shoot with a degree of precision that none of the launch titles of Kinect was able to propose, and with a speed impossible for any controller.

At present we can not know details about the product and, strange but true, was not announced the type of distribution, at this point, based on good premises, we can therefore assume that it may be a product set in stores at full price and not a more modest XBLA. While waiting to learn more we leave you with the trailer.

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