A world to explore Ankama does know that the MMO for PC and Mac Wakfu is currently in public beta, available for free. The game is a "free-to-play" and in its present form contains the following features: 6 different character classes: Iop, Cra, Eniripsa, Sadida, Ecaflip Enutrof and 25 different spells for each class in which 16 professionals specialize ( Trapper, Poster, Master of Weapons, Baker and more) online election every two weeks for the post of Governor management or protection of plants and animals in the game to explore other business areas such as islands of Astrub, the nations of Amakna and Bonta and many other islands in the game client is then free download from the official website of Ankama.
Previously, he released the action-adventure spin-off of Wakfu Islands on Xbox Live Arcade. Link: official site of Wakfu 

Previously, he released the action-adventure spin-off of Wakfu Islands on Xbox Live Arcade. Link: official site of Wakfu

- WAKFU beta key giveaway: 1000 more chances to get in! (Wakfu) (27/04/2011)
- We've got more Wakfu closed beta keys for you! (24/02/2011)
- Get into Wakfu with our closed beta key giveaway! (19/02/2011)
- Wakfu open beta starts April 27th (08/03/2011)
- WAKFU adding two new classes, political features (21/04/2011)
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