Monday, January 31, 2011

NGP - Kaz Hirai talks

Confirmation and details from Sony president during an interview that took place during the event last week, mostly all'NGP, Kaz Hirai said choices and details of the new handheld console Sony. No particular news but confirmations and denials that delineate the boundaries of too many voices in these coming days.

The boss of the Japanese giant has confirmed that there will be several versions of the Next Generation Portable, and the version with the 3G can not be used for phoning. Hirai has stated that it would not make sense to use as a telephone with an object the size and shape of the NGP. Confirmed the complete backward compatibility with the PSP.

But the absence of a UMD player means that the offer for now is limited to the titles available on PSN. Of course the titles already bought for the PSP can also be downloaded on NGP and Sony are discussing on the issue of the downloadable versions of UMD titles with teams that have developed for the PSP.

The securities will be sold at retail for NGP memory card with a proprietary format and each memory unit has space and rewritable to save data and downloadable content immagannizare. The battery and the price were not disclosed and the only detail revealed is that NGP will not support video output.

Any speculation would be absolutely useless because, as stated by Hirai, the current version of the laptop is only a prototype. Source: Andriasang

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