Friday, April 8, 2011

EyePet and his friends - Announcement and images

In co-op! With his friends and EyePet Sony introduces the ability to interact with two puppies at the same time, provided of course have two controllers, Move. The pups will react to each other and obviously the title will offer other innovations. Here are some of the official statement that describes some of the possibilities offered by EyePet and his friends.

"With EyePet and his friends each day is filled with activities such as dressing, brushing, to train puppies and create your own toys to have fun together. The young people many opportunities for interaction with the EyePet, for example, can tickle and caress them with your hands, choose games and activities to do with using the motion controller PlayStation Move, and much more.

Fun is assured even while watching the two EyePet make bath time or play with a variety of toys: PlayStation Move all thanks to technology. And to give more room for creativity, you can visit the Creativity Centre, where he invented many new toys, creating a myriad of fun complete and customize virtually every game content.

Make glad the pups will be a rewarding experience in every sense because it also allows you to unlock new items, games and activities that will never cease to amaze friends and family. With EyePet the fun does not really have borders, because it can also be shared with the online community EyePet, in which each player can display all the adventures and the progress of their puppies.


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