Friday, April 8, 2011

Square Enix boss accused of lightness

One of his message deemed inappropriate for the earthquake As you know, yesterday in Japan there has been another strong earthquake of magnitude 7.4, which caused several deaths and injuries. Among the many, Yoichi Wada, president of Square Enix, has left a message of encouragement on Twitter, something like: "Another earthquake? People of Tohoku, hold on!" The Japanese news is that the network has turned against the poor Wada, accusing him of levity to this claim.

The Japanese language is unique and makes a clear distinction between formal and colloquial language, a distinction hardly rendibile in translation (some knowledge of Japan's language certainly will enlighten us to that effect). Well, the ear of a Japanese sentence, written as he wrote Wada, sounds like disrespectful.

The charge, as reported by Kotaku is: "His writing style is inappropriate." Wada, rather than justified by some ridiculous excuse like: I was with the granddaughter of Hu Jintao, has apologized, saying he did not want to be superficial and that he wrote those words cast to comment on the earthquake.

I know it is difficult for us to understand where the problem really is, but the beauty of culture is precisely in their differences, sometimes incomprehensible to those who do not know well. Source: Kotaku

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