Wednesday, March 9, 2011

The PC could become the largest platform for EA

Higher margins, large base, fewer problems in conspicuous contrast with the current state of the gaming market, according to Frank Gibeau, the PC may be the most interesting platform for Electronic Arts in the future. And 'something "unthinkable", even if it is only an assumption at the time: "The customer base is huge," said Gibeau to Gamasutra, "the retail market could be a problem, but the front goes to the digital great.

" On the other hand, there are some advantages: "The margins are higher and we have no rules challenges in terms of approvals first party" thing from the standpoint of the publisher makes it possibly the "largest platform for the future. On the other hand the rest of the speech might alarm the more traditional gamers, "if you see the gaming market in Asia, the PC is the reference model.

I think the model of free-to-play game is a tendency towards the incoming 'West', which is paleserà in a series of games "social" by EA. Source: Gamasutra

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