The remake of Star Fox 64, Star Fox 3DS, allow you to control the Arwing spaceship by tilting the handheld console. The Nintendo president Satoru Iwata gave a practical demonstration of the control system during a conference held by the shareholders in recent days. Star Fox 3DS will be "a revamped version of Star Fox 64, the most popular game ever in the 3D shooter on the Nintendo 64 era," said Iwata.
"We will offer a scheme based on the gyroscope that will allow you to control Arwing, which moves in 3D space." Star Fox 3DS will be available in Japan in July, by the end of 2011, Nintendo will also play in Europe. 

"We will offer a scheme based on the gyroscope that will allow you to control Arwing, which moves in 3D space." Star Fox 3DS will be available in Japan in July, by the end of 2011, Nintendo will also play in Europe.

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