Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Coming movies on Ghost Recon and Assassin's Creed?

Ubisoft has been investigating a separate survey, also dealing in some way Ubisoft, there's a few clues about possible film projects with the center two licenses are important to the French publisher. The questionnaire was reported by Evil Avatar and far as any film versions of Assassin's Creed and Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon.

The survey investigates on appreciation of any movie adaptations and advice on how they can be set, as if stories linking various chapters or spin-off of the main story twill background or special characters. Needless to say both titles in question would lend themselves quite easily to the big screen adaptations, given their somewhat cinematic approach, another question concerns the possible quality of that operation.

In any case, we'll see, on the other hand the task of winning film by the IP Ubisoft has already started last year with Prince of Persia. Source: Evil Avatar

1 comment:

  1. it would be nice to hear if they were to make an actual assassin's creed movie but to make a movie they would have to come up with a storyline for it but it would be nice to see it start from the first character and how it went to italy.
